
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Political Divide in the United States

I f you believe the political divide will go away after the Trump Administration leaves office you’re wrong. The Biden Administration is set to be one of the farthest left administrations that the US has witnessed since LBJ, people on the right are already feeling like their voices aren’t being heard, they are being banned left and right on social media platforms, and even had to start their own platforms, or find places like Parler, and Minds that won’t censor their speech because they don’t agree with it. The left has openly come out in support of banning what they deem as “hateful” “illegal” speech anything that doesn’t go with their political agenda, this pushes each side to become more and more left or right on the political spectrum. Almost no one wants to hear anything that goes against their political opinion, and if they do, it’s almost automatically dismissed, because of their biases. Look at the response to this pandemic, for example, it shows that something within our insti...

Big Bad Communist China

There has been much debate on which country in the world we should truly be worried about, Russia, North Korea, or China, who is the new monster underneath our beds? It’s China, but why? The United States has known for decades now that since we opened China up to the world that they have been covertly stealing from our country and the rest of the world through intellectual theft, blackmail, influencing politicians and powerful people in large corporate businesses, and buying land in multiple of these countries. “The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, militarily, and technologically,” John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, stated in an opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal. This essentially means that they want to become the world’s Largest Super Power, in some ways they have already done that, not by putting the work in, but through espionage tactics, stealing intellectual property, working wit...

Re-imagining Education for a Post-Covid Society

Let’s be honest with ourselves, the public education system in the United States has been failing our kids for the last several generations with each year, it only gets worse. We continue to let this tragedy continue to affect the futures of our kids and our country. In the ’50s and 60’s the golden standard of getting somewhere in this country was graduating High School, and receiving your High School Diploma, times have drastically changed and in today’s world to have a higher chance of being successful you must have some type of higher education, or a serious drive to want to be successful. We must demand better for ourselves and the future of our country.  The idea that kids don’t go to college, just because they just can’t afford it really should worry you. Being able to go to college shouldn’t be a class or a wealth issue, this isn’t about supporting Universal “Free” College, because I don’t What this is about, however, is setting our country’s youth on a pathway for success. ...

Buy Gold, Silver, Food, and Land

Experts agree, that in 2020 show that the U.S. has created 22% of all US currency since the birth of our country. Over $9 Trillion has been pumped into the economy, to try to solve the problems that Covid-19 has caused this, and all of the problems that it's highlighted in the US.  While trying to save the American people and businesses out this will cause inflation, and the monetary value of the US Dollar to drop, you can actually see the trends here, since March 2020, $0.93 the dollar has lost over $0.10 since the pandemic started, to $0.82. The United States is n very big trouble with another set of lockdown orders coming from multiple states, hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to stay in their homes, without being able to work, another round of layoffs, another round of small business closures, and more people forced on unemployment.  All of this is happening while elected Democrats and Republicans are still getting paid, still negotiating on another round of...

Join me as we go down the Political Rabbit Hole.

I'm an Average American Citizen just like you, I see all of this political craziness that is going on in Washington, and throughout the United States, and I keep asking why politicians aren't coming up with ways to fix what's wrong with our country the more that I look into these problems the more that I find that there are common-sense approaches to solving our country's problems, but there are no politicians in power that are willing to solve these problems because they're too scared of not getting re-elected to their positions. We need actual representatives that are working for the people of the United State, and I hope by breaking down news stories and explaining what I feel needs to be done to fix our country will in some way help the position that our country is in. We must come together and work to fix our country, and not tear it apart.