The Political Divide in the United States

If you believe the political divide will go away after the Trump Administration leaves office you’re wrong. The Biden Administration is set to be one of the farthest left administrations that the US has witnessed since LBJ, people on the right are already feeling like their voices aren’t being heard, they are being banned left and right on social media platforms, and even had to start their own platforms, or find places like Parler, and Minds that won’t censor their speech because they don’t agree with it.

The left has openly come out in support of banning what they deem as “hateful” “illegal” speech anything that doesn’t go with their political agenda, this pushes each side to become more and more left or right on the political spectrum. Almost no one wants to hear anything that goes against their political opinion, and if they do, it’s almost automatically dismissed, because of their biases.

Look at the response to this pandemic, for example, it shows that something within our institutions is seriously broken and our governing bodies are failing all of us, the elected Democrats and Republicans, EVERYONE. Democrats blame Republicans for not coming to the table and negotiating, and Republicans blame Democrats for not negotiating. Something is seriously wrong here, and the media pushes these news stories to further that divide in the American People. It’s almost as if they’re trying to cause tensions to rise, it honestly makes me wonder, why they’re trying to cause conflict, and not trying to heal the country, is it because this divisiveness sells, or are they trying to cause some type of conflict to push their political agenda?

We cannot keep going down the path that we are going on within this country, we just can’t. Tensions are at an all-time high, we have prominent members of the Republican party that has said that they will not support or even recognize a Biden Administration. We have Trump supporters who said they know that the Election was stolen, that there is evidence of voter fraud, and Democrats just automatically dismiss these claims. We are living in two different realities, maybe it’s just time to split the country upon party lines, and let the people decide who governs them. I would honestly hate to see that happen, but what other choice do we have? Do we continue to fight for this country, where half of the country despises the other half? Do we try to come together and unite again as the United States of America or what? 

The answer isn’t simple, the answer isn’t easy, and there isn’t going to be an answer if we continue to allow our institutions to divide us. Wake up America Before it’s too late.


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